We are here for you, a Rabbi, Rebbetzin and friend.

Every Jewish life cycle event is a special occasion, deserving loving care, sensitivity and attention to detail.  Be it a celebration or commemoration, we will do our very best to impart a genuine sense of spirituality, affection, nobility, ritual and tradition to your event.  Together we’ll identify your priorities, address any questions you may have about Jewish custom and practice, and design a ceremony that is memorable and cherished for years to come.


Baby Naming

Names are more than convenient labels; going by your Jewish name is a statement of pride in your Jewish heritage. The Jews of ancient Egypt, tradition tells us, kept their Jewish names. That’s one of the ways they remained a cohesive people and merited redemption.


The Brit Mmilah, circumcision, is a physical symbol of the relationship between G‑d and the Jewish people. It is a constant reminder of what the Jewish mission entails. Not only we can put you in touch with an expert Mohel, we can provide advice on sourcing the best bagels and lox and finding the perfect Kosher caterer for you.

Bar/ Bat Mitzvah

Our emphasis in preparing B’nai Mitzvah is to foster an awareness that this milestone is only the beginning of Jewish life. We achieve this by providing each child the tools necessary to function as a Jew no matter what life brings. We believe that the most important event in the life of a young person, should be more than just rote memorization leading up to an anxiety-ridden recital of the Torah. Our emphasis is to foster an awareness that this milestone is only the beginning of Jewish life and help attain a greater appreciation of a Jewish adult's responsibilities. Regardless of where the celebration and service are being held, private tutoring, arranged to accommodate today's demanding lifestyle, is available upon request to help you prepare for this special day. 


What makes our officiated wedding different from all others is the preparation that goes into not just the technical catering, photography and bridesmaids, but just as important is the spiritual preparation. This is tantamount to a couple who are brought under the Divine Chuppah as their launching site to build an everlasting edifice in Israel.

Both the Rabbi and Rebbetzin spend many hours in this preparation with the groom and bride to make the ceremony not only aesthetically picture perfect but wholesome in its spirituality as well.

End of life 

At WCRJ, we are always there - especially in times of need - to offer comfort, guidance and support. We are available for Hospital visitation and prayers, officiating at the funeral, doing the Shiva service, and anything else necessary at this time. 

Rabbi Aharon Sirota 303-437-4728

Rabbi Mendy Sirota 720-940-3716