Dear Friend,
Denver Jewish day Camp is well known for its program and devoted staff, with our sole interest placed upon giving the best care and attention to every child in camp.
Our camp is not just recreational, but also nurtures a growing awareness of Judaism while enjoying the best possible camp experience. Therefore, we cannot afford to exclude any child due to a lack of funds.
The fees collected by the parent body cover approximately half of all camp expenses, and we do have many children in need of scholarship, without which many children in our own community would be deprived of a wholesome Jewish summer experience of fun and growth .
We invite you to join us this year in this great Mitzvah of helping our local community children to enjoy a summer of joyful Jewish fun creating lifelong memories. (All contributions are tax deductible.)
Your gift will be giving an authentic Jewish experience & joyful Jewish memories of a lifetime to children right here in our community. You’re creating a Jewish summer & everlasting meaningful memories for these children.
These 36 children are counting on you.
With Appreciation,
Rabbi Mendy Sirota
Director, Denver Jewish Day Camp | 720-940-3716