Our innovative Bat Mitzvah Club is a spectacular 8 month program for 11 and 12 year old girls to prepare them for their Bat Mitzvah. Eye-opening topics are explored and discussed through drama, arts, and innovative technology in a warm, social, Jewish environment. Bat Mitzvah Academy aims to empower our girls as proud Jewish women in the 21st century.

Our girls visit a Kosher restaurant, a synagogue,  a Mikvah - Jewish ritual bath, enjoy a Challah bake with their Moms, celebrate Jewish festivals as a group, cook up a kosher storm, enjoy a spirited Family Shabbat dinner, meet Jewish influencers, and culminate the year with an inspiring and nachat-filled ceremony and celebration.

 Our course will commence in September 2024 and conclude in May 2025. 

Bat Mitzvah Academy one time fee: $500 per child. 

The Bat Mitzvah Club fee includes all  lessons, course material, supplies, trips, restaurant outings, outside instructors, family Shabbat dinner and end of year family ceremony.

It does not include potential private Bat Mitzvah lessons, officiating ceremony or Bat Mitzvah administrative expenses.


Bat mitzvah Club Sample schedule*:  (Full and accurate schedule will be sent out upon registration)

September 8:  Me My soul and I
- Explore your spiritual DNA, the qualities and powers we’ve inherited from our fore fathers and mothers.

October 13: Deep in the dirt
- We have a diamond that is our source of life and the basis for all we can accomplish and it is right inside of us.
-Spa 101

November 10: Lighten Up
- Meet Sarah, the woman behind everything the Jewish ppl ever were and will ever become

December 15: The Magic
- Ever wish you had a magic wand that could turn bad things into good things. Guess what? you do!
-trip to a kosher restaurant

January 19: How can I thank you
- Let’s celebrate everything we’re thankful for and have fun doing it!
- Mother and daughter special challah baking

February 16: Give before you take
-Easier said than done! Will show you a cool way to remember this and why it’s important!
-Giving kitchen cookoff

March 16: Make it work
-Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? It’s time to realize that you’ve got it going to in your own way!
-Special visit to a Jewish women’s ritual bath- mikvah

April 6: The Blame Game
-Use your unique gifts and abilities to change the situation and make it work! You’re talented beyond measure!
-Paint Class

May 4: graduation ceremony dinner