Our Mission

Our mission at Denver Hebrew is to enable every Jewish child in Colorado the opportunity to receive a high-quality Jewish education in a nurturing Jewish environment. Our engaging and innovative Jewish heritage program, Hebrew language curriculum and festival and life cycle celebrations provide our students with an understanding of Judaism that is relevant, meaningful and alive.

Our commitment to excellence ensures that our curriculum and programming are constantly being developed promoting an unparalleled, leading-edge after-school learning experience.

Joy-filled years at Denver Hebrew will build a strong Jewish identity within our students and empower them to use Jewish values as the guiding stepping stones for life.


Our Hebrew School has a particular focus on educating children through art, music, and drama, enabling them to experience the ideas and ideals which are taught in a relevant and artistic manner. Additionally, we offer the Aleph Champ program, a detailed curriculum geared towards learning the Hebrew language.

As a trend setter in creative Jewish education, our innovative program will inspire a love for our rich ancient heritage, with the creativity and beauty of modern-day art.

Children will be able to elect three of the arts throughout the year, offering a hands-on experience to truly understand it's depth, meaning, and connection to Judaism. We will be joined by visiting artists and specialists to share their journey, and bring out the potential and talent in each of our students.

Our incredible staff caters their individual attention to each and every student, ages four through fourteen, each of whom come from various affiliations and backgrounds. (Exclusive new Hebrew High - for kids post bar/bat mitzvah)