Celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, commemorating the Giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai 3,330 years ago.
Enjoy a scrumptious dairy buffet including cheesecakes, mouth watering lasagna, a spectacular ice cream bar with delicious toppings and more!
Bring the whole family to hear the Ten Commandments LIVE!
Fun Children’s Program ~ 295 S locust St. Denver
Free with RSVP: WCRJColorado.com
Yes, count me in for the Shavuot Divine Dairy Dazzle .
Free of charge, but Please consider a tax- deductible of any amount donation to help cover this event.
$18 Chai Sponsor $54 Sponsor $72 Silver Sponsor $180 Gold Sponsor Other amount
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Men, Women & Children!
Be there when the Torah is given for the 3,324'th time.
You don’t have to travel to the desert—it’s happening right here!
Come hear the Torah reading of the Ten Commandments.
Sunday, May 27 - 10:30 AM
Followed by a full dairy kiddush, and lots of ice cream for the children!
Shabbat, May 26
Candle Lighting after 9:05 PM
Night Learning Session beginning at Midnight
Refreshments will be served
Sunday, May 27
Morning Services 10:30 AM
10 Commandments & Children's Ice Cream Party 12:30 PM
Light Candles after* 9:06PM
*Light only from
pre-existing flame.
Monday, May 28
Morning Services 9:30 AM
The Shavuot Yizkor Memorial Serivce will take place on Monday, May 28 2012, 11:30 am. If you'd like to have the name(s) of your loved ones to be included in the Yizkor Memorial prayer, please Contact Rabbi Sirota.
It is also customary to give a donation to one’s congregation in memory of the deceased family member or friend when reciting the Yizkor Memorial prayer in order to concretely express the effect of this special prayer through the funnel of Charity.
Holiday ends 9:06 PM
For more info: • Web: www.wcrjcolorado.com • Phone: 303.377.7673
Western Center for Russian Jewry
295 South Locust St. Denver,CO